In 2001 I moved from Hamburg, Germany to Maine – following my heart.

It’s easy for a North German to feel at home in Maine: water, wind, waves, and non-talkative locals in rubber boots who, like real Hamburgers, like to draw out the syllable -er to -aah.

We Mainers are not only smart, we are “Mainaahs” – and “wicked smaaht!”

Jordan Pond, Acadia National Park

A beautiful countryside, plus lobsters and blueberry pie – what’s not to love about that?

Only one thing was missing – a good, hearty loaf!


Therefore I started baking my own. Meanwhile, I don’t only feed my husband, I also supply our local natural food store with crusty breads and rolls.

And I assure you:

8 thoughts on “ABOUT ME

  1. Hi Karin,
    I'm a fellow German that somehow got to Maine. I originate from Potsdam though and live in the Houlton area (Monticello). When I moved to the States I prepared myself with a Brotbackbuch, that has served me well. I baked many loaves of bread for my family and then got complacent and stopped. Now I'm getting back on track and the first thing I did was make my own starter.


  2. Das ist ja nett!
    Mittlerweile gibt es zwar ein paar gute Bäckereien in Maine, aber sie sind doch noch recht spärlich gesät. In Houlton bin ich bisher nur auf der Durchfahrt nach St. Andrews gewesen (in Potsdam war ich öfters). Wie kommst du denn mit den Wintern dort “oben” zurecht?


  3. Hi Karin,

    My name is Anuj Agarwal. I'm Founder of Feedspot.

    I would like to personally congratulate you as your blog Brot & Bread has been selected by our panelist as one of the Top 40 Bread Blogs on the web.


    I personally give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world. This is the most comprehensive list of Top 40 Bread Blogs on the internet and I’m honored to have you as part of this!

    Also, you have the honor of displaying the badge on your blog.



  4. Hallo, Karin,

    I've only come to bread-baking in the last year, but am enjoying it immensely. I've mostly been working from Jeffrey Hamelman's book to build a foundation, but I”m also exploring the various bread blogs and happened across your via Zeb Bakes.

    I must tell you that I was delighted to learn that you are from Hamburg. An old school friend (from the '80s) is German and lives there, and we are fortunate to be able to visit that beautiful city every couple of years. I won't go into my love affair with Franzbrötchen, but one of my favorite treats every morning when we're there are the often square rolls called Sonnenblumenkernbrötchen. Would you have a recipe for these or be able to offer guidance in making them in the States?

    Thank you again for your wonderful blog!

    Warm Regards,



  5. Thanks, Philip! Yes, Hamburg is beautiful, how nice that you like visiting my hometown.
    I love Franzbrötchen, too, but haven't baked those for a long time.
    But, as it happens, I have a great recipe for those square Sonnenblumenkernbrötchen, from my favorite bakery in Hamburg, Gaues Bäckerei. That will be my next blog post, so stay tuned 🙂
    Happy Baking,


  6. Thank you so much, Karin! By the way, my friend and his family live in Eppendorf, so that's where we spend most of our time. On our last visit he introduced me to Mettbrötchen, which I suspect you cannot find in the U.S. 😉



  7. No, this a mett-less country! Eppendorf is my old quarter, and I visit my Mom every year. Gaues' Bäckerei is at Eppendorfer Baum, and I do love the Isemarkt. Will be flying again next weekend.


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